Training Programs
This list of pre-existing programs can be eaisly modified and tailored to your own specific needs and specifications.
This training is designed to protect employees while insulating your company against lawful litigation. California makes this type of work place training compulsory for its employees. It should be noted, while out of court settlements remain a costly proposition for companies, often ranging from 4 to 5 figures compared to companies whose cases go to a Judge or a jury with possible million dollar verdicts. These acts are largely preventable. This course of instruction conveys the steps leaders must follow to create a respectful workplace, such as: modeling respectful behavior for your employees and the importance of communicating your organization’s policies/guidelines clearly and consistently to your employees. Learn the importance of coaching your employees to avoid any behavior that might lead to harassment complaints. And consider it paramount to take all harassment complaints seriously and appropriately respond, immediately. The cost and consequences of inaction. Ways to discourage retaliation when complaints are in fact made for those who have allegedly violated Title V11 of the Civil Rights Act.
Course tailored for the following personnel: Human Resources, Security, Supervisors, Management, etc.
According to OSHA “some 2 million American workers are victims to workplace violence each year. The core course of this instruction conforms to OSHA’s General Duty Clause by providing the means and knowledge for identifying troubled employees and/or troubling workplace situations and what to do in an early and appropriate fashion.
When it comes to the workplace, we must act when there are instances of harassment, intimidation, threats, violence and other destructive behavior. Myths and realities of workplace violence are intently scrutinized, which will invariably reflect where your best capitol and human resources should be utilized. There is an abundant amount of resources that are identified and made ready for your use. Workplace violence is largely preventable, via training and particularly when management learns how to share knowledge; embrace and utilize the eyes, ears and intellect of its employees and others. This course is somewhat intense since contemporary, harrowing instances of workplace violence examples are used anecdotally.
Who can benefit from this course? All employees, Human Resources, Security, Supervisors and Managers
There is an additional course of instruction tailored only to Human Resources, Security and Management.
This course of instruction examines how interactions can quickly go awry when the mouth opens and ears close. There are basic needs which must be satisfied before any constructive dialogue can occur. What we know is that as much as 70 % of our communication is non-verbal. Its sometimes-unintended messages conveyed that contributes to the stress level, thereby, inhibiting learning. Employees learn how to utilize soothing verbal techniques which promote understanding by looking at the issue from another’s perspective and trying to decide on win-win solutions. Employees in retail and customer service will learn the need and how to reach agreement, why paraphrasing is important as is, the steps in active listening.
Course tailored for: All employees, particularly those in the retail and customer service industry.
When the need arises to separate an employee from the company, there are ways for which that is best accomplished. Firing an employee can be traumatic for the employee, employee’s family, friends and even the person perfecting the firing. Most people who have been fired are fired without incident, even when firing is a last resort. People in a company who have the responsibility for firing employees will learn techniques on how to do so while optimizing both dignity and respect.
Course tailored for the following personnel: Human Resources, Security, Supervisors, Management, etc.
According to DOJ Uniform Crime Reporting stats of 2015 a violent crime occurred every 27.1 seconds. The instructor’s emphasis evolves around prevention verses extradition. The main stay of this accelerated training program is “Anticipatory Thinking”. I believe, most subject matter experts (SME’s) agree it is essential for women to understand and mobilize their intuition, given the inordinate amount of gender victimization’s. It’s not to say men are not victimized, for they are but principally for different reasoning. Here emphasis will be placed on how to better ensure your safety as it relates to your home, office, travel, and hotel stays. And, even though avoiding encounters of the worse kind is not always successful this course prepares you in a non-whimsical way of how to embrace life; the will to survive and the importance of intellectualizing through encounters of the worse kind. Also, noteworthy and a byproduct of this training is a healthier understanding of the applicable of laws governing the use of force.
This course is tailored for the following personnel: All employees
Domestic Violence often spills over into the workplace. Do you know what to do when that happens? Domestic violence can be and is often perpetrated against every gender and relationship, for a plethora of reasons for which this course closely examines. It is a leading cause of injury to women and we closely explore the dynamics where they are more likely to be victimized by an acquaintance more so than a stranger. 85-95% of all victimizations are directed at women. It most often occurs outside of the workplace but invariably and dangerously spills over into the workplace. We explore existing data given about every 9 seconds a female is beaten in the USA and this happens to between 3 & 4 Million women each year. This course of instruction discusses reporting mechanism’s as well as the responsibilities of fellow employees, Management, Human Resources and security. The way we address Domestic Violence is by being learned, resourceful and readily acting when violence is reasonably suspected and or known. You will know and learn how such an occurrence can adversely impact both employees and the company’s bottom line.
This course of instruction is tailored for ALL personnel
This training course allows for the attendee to better understand the operational relationship between security & successful business operations mostly by closely examining each’s obligations, one to the other in the workplace. The workplace is where we spend much of our waking hours and to that end it is the company’s regulatory and moral obligation to provide a safe work environment. It is essential for all employees to know the company’s rules and regulations as it relates to the company expectations. There must be sound and operative procedures with dedicated responsibilities for handling company emergencies. We closely examine and drill down into the need and reasons for creating procedures for access control, Incident reporting, Visitors, building evacuations, Alcohol and Drug guidelines, Work Place Violence, Information Security, Handling Bomb Threats and Weapon Policy’s to name just a few issues that can create troubling situations in the workplace.
This course of instruction is tailored for ALL personnel.
According to most recent UCR Reports a Robbery occurs in these United States every 1.6 minutes. This course of instruction has much to do with preventing a robbery through “target hardening” and perhaps more importantly, should one occur how to maximize the chances of survival. Attendees will learn what constitutes a robbery and the distinctions between a robbery and a burglary. After completing this course of instruction, the attendee will have a better understanding of how to minimize one’s personal risk, the unintentional elevation of risk etc. Training incorporates the ideas and best practices associated with what to do during a robbery as well as what not to do during a robbery. Also, what attendees are taught to do after a robbery occurrence as well as ways to enhance apprehension and subsequent prosecution.
According to the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence Inc. (NCADD) drug abuse cost employers $81 billion annually. Worker impairment via legal and illegal substances adversely impacts employers. Drugs have created a deleterious cause and effect relationship upon our society and it has spilled over into the workplace. Attendees meticulously examine what constitutes a Drug. Differences upon which dependencies are thoroughly examined and compared against addictions. Types of drug classifications & corresponding schedules. social causation & risk Factors associated with drugs of abuse. Action approaches for employers. Controlled Substances and their impact on the work force. Suggested guideline evolving around the use of medicinal and illegal drugs in the work place. Decriminalization of a variety of drugs and its societal impact on the work force. Procedures for employee screening and testing for cause.
Tailored for all employees, particularly for personnel who are Supervisors, Managers – Human Resources or Security.
Tailored for ALL personnel.
Attendees thoroughly explore the art of Aggression Management …which covers being prepared, Verbal Persuasion, and Safe Escape. What Is Aggression? Simple approaches to understanding the Aggression Continuum. Pacing the Aggressor. Managing Your Adrenaline
And, how and why the need to document Aggressive Behavior.
Signs of imminent attack (Physiological Side of Aggression).
Things you may say to an aggressor; while there are things you should never say to an aggressor, given you may be only exacerbating the problem.
Consequences (Organization’s greatest fears- plus cost of aggression in workplace)
Tailored for ALL personnel.
A comprehensive investigations course presenting best practice methods for anyone who conducts business or company investigations or those who want to have an depth understanding as to the requisites of a thorough investigation. Ideal for managers, human resource, safety and security personnel who have the inherent responsibility of fact finding. This two hour course of instruction features all the types of investigations a company may employ as well as identifies those best suited for a specific investigation. Other matters and techniques featured in this course are location of interview, initial meeting and confirmations, who should investigate, order of interviews, burden of proof, evidence gathering, etc.; all taught in ways to achieve sustainability for the investigation, credibility and integrity of the investigation. This Instructor based training program may be taught as a stand alone or in conjunction with Bullet Proofing Your Interviews and other Lawful Investigative Procedures and Lawful Techniques and/or Mind Fields and Pitfalls in Investigations.
A two hour Instructor Based Training (IBT) course that teaches the best and most defensible techniques to conduct non-accusatory and accusatory interviews and how to memorialize ones feelings. Course ingredients feature key components of interviewing as it pertains to planning, listening, dangers associated with formalized interviews, converting oral confessions, interview skills and recording interviews, etc. Also, highly promotes and touts the need for and reasons why transparency is paramount for a quality investigation.
JWM & Associates, LLC offers customized and contemporary topics for your Lunch and Learn, Seminars, Conferences, Business Meetings, Schools and Churches. Our goal is to provide inspiration, facts and useful tips that energize, alert and consistently apply to today's ever changing environment.
*Built from scratch. Your company's footprint, edicts operations and procedures.
Customized affordable training that is specific and unique to your company. Creations of this nature are typically more expensive given the desires for customization are unique to every company and often requiring significant amounts of interviews, research, gathering and assimilation of a varied amount of materials to best capture the data that will ultimately be converted into muscle memory. We can’t tell how to make and sell widgets but we can tell you how to do it safer maximizing the return on your ROI.
You choose: Tailored for any, appropriate personnel
Work in Progress.....coming soon!!
About Your Instructor
Jimmy served as a paid consultant for the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia. He has trained under Gavin de Becker, Park Deitz and numerous other renowned threat practitioners.
Jimmy W. Mercer has extensive media experience having periodically appeared on the following:
- 20-20
- ABC News with Peter Jennings
- Today Show with Jack Ford
- Fox Network with Paula Zahn
- Fox Report with Sheppard Smith
- MSNBC with Paula Brown
- CNBC with Brian Williams and Soledad O'Brian
REALTOR Training
Student will receive continuing education (CE) credit for this in-classroom course
visit for information on hosting or attending this course.
This training is current and relevant for all Realtors and designed to teach modern day survival techniques.
REALTOR Training
Student will receive continuing education (CE) credit for this in-classroom course
visit for information on hosting or attending this course.
REALTOR Training
Student will receive continuing education (CE) credit for this in-classroom course
visit for information on hosting or attending this course.
REALTOR Training
Student will receive continuing education (CE) credit for this in-classroom course
visit for information on hosting or attending this course.
Looking to Train Your Employees?
In times of crisis, employees invariably default to their highest level of training. A lack of qualified training creates unnecessary liability for you, employees and your company. Even with respect to Work Place Violence, attorney's have become very skilled and adept with litigating and revealing management and company fault.